T-break is a news app that selects the latest and most trustworthy news from multiple regional, national and international sources and summarises them to present in a short and crisp 60 words or less format, personalized for you, in both, English or Hindi. T-break focuses on regional news. All summarised stories contain only headlines and facts, to help you stay informed of the current events. From Politics to bollywood, we update you with all kinds of news in a very short time. Not one or two but you can read many with a cup of tea in this app.
T-break requires the following permissions. Your privacy is critical for us and the app never uses photos, videos, and other media files, make calls, send messages or save and/or distribute device information.
Photos/Media Files: The app needs access to the device's storage to save the representational images so that you have a good experience even without internet connectivity. This is also needed to send the image along with the text when you share a short.
T-break是一个新闻应用程序,它从多个区域,国家和国际来源中选择最新和最可信赖的新闻,并以60字以内的简明扼要的格式进行总结,以英语或北印度语为您个性化。 T-break专注于区域新闻。所有汇总的故事仅包含标题和事实,以帮助您随时了解当前事件。从政治到宝莱坞,我们会在很短的时间内为您提供各种新闻。没有一个或两个,但您可以在这个应用程序中喝杯茶来阅读许多内容。